Steve Peterson, Clinical Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Idaho, is a Regional Economist and an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Idaho, where he has been employed for over 30 years. Peterson’s research interest is local and regional economic analyses, with a focus on economic impact studies. Steve has conducted over 300 economic impact studies in his career covering virtually every industry in the Pacific Northwest: Wood products, tribal studies, energy, agriculture, manufacturing, health care, transportation, education, and nonprofit organizations. Steve has conducted extensive tribe-related studies in Idaho and the Pacific Northwest. Local studies include the economic impacts of the Lewis-Clark State College, Moscow Farmers Market, and the Pullman-Moscow Airport expansion.
Peterson has a strong business background and was a real estate salesman (family business) for ten years before returning to academia. Peterson teaches a wide range of classes from introductory principles of economics to senior level classes such as macroeconomics and money and banking. Steve has taught over 15,000 students in his career.