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Affordable Connectivity Program Info Webinar

January 11, 2024 @ 11:30 am - 12:00 pm PST

Having good internet is almost a prerequisite for running your business today. Whether for marketing and social media, accepting payments, or just using apps that make operating your business so much easier, having internet just makes business life better.

Are you struggling to afford these necessary internet services? If you live on qualifying tribal lands, you may be eligible for the Affordable Connectivity Program offered by the Federal Communications Commission. This program helps families and households connect to the internet by providing $75 a month towards internet service and a laptop or desktop device for a very low cost.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get connected to the internet and improve your access to education, job opportunities, and more.

Once again, to register, please visit: ntv.bz/acp

For more information about the IDRS Acorn Project or to get help for your business at no cost, please contact us at:

Our Team Help email: [email protected]
Phone: 916-482-5800
Website: www.nativebiz.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/idrsacornproject
Instagram: www.instagram.com/idrs_acorn_project

About IDRS Acorn Project:

The IDRS Acorn Project is a program of Indian Dispute Resolution Services, Inc. (IDRS, Inc.) a 501(c)(3) Native-governed, non-profit based in California. The IDRS Acorn Project provides free, online and offline small business training to Native entrepreneurs throughout the United States. IDRS also offers free counseling services to Native entrepreneurs to help them start and grow small businesses.

IDRS, Inc. also provides dispute resolution services including mediation and facilitation, dispute resolution training, and tribal election administration to Native American tribes. For more information about IDRS, please visit www.idrsinc.org.