Classes & Events

Guiding towards financial stability and self-reliance

Nimiipuu Fund's financial education classes serve as empowering platforms, guiding individuals and communities toward financial stability and self-reliance.

Rooted in cultural wisdom and tailored to specific Native American contexts, these classes provide essential knowledge on budgeting, saving, investing, and managing credit. They emphasize traditional values of communal support, responsible stewardship, and long-term planning, aligning with the holistic approach to wealth often valued in Native cultures. By imparting practical financial skills within the cultural framework, these classes not only enhance individual financial well-being but also strengthen the economic resilience of Native American communities, fostering a future of prosperity and self-determination.

National Tribal Housing Ecosystem Summit

Mark your calendar for this dynamic conference to learn, grow, and collaborate while inspiring new ideas, partnerships, and investment opportunities to grow Tribal ecosystems that support housing, homeownership, and economic…

Homebuyer Education

Lapwai Lapwai

Discover the intricacies and advantages of home ownership, along with the associated responsibilities and maintenance considerations. This comprehensive guide covers a range of topics, including the significance of budgeting and…

Medicare 101 Workshop

Are you approaching the age of 65, or are you assisting family members with their retirement plans? This workshop is tailored for you. A representative from the Idaho Department of…

Homebuyer Education

Lapwai Lapwai

Discover the intricacies and advantages of home ownership, along with the associated responsibilities and maintenance considerations. This comprehensive guide covers a range of topics, including the significance of budgeting and…

Post Purchase Class

Lapwai Lapwai

Homeowners facing financial challenges often find themselves in the need to recalibrate their budgets, revisit savings strategies, and address rehabilitation improvements and ongoing maintenance. The intricacies of avoiding foreclosure become…

Homebuyer Education

Lapwai Lapwai

Discover the intricacies and advantages of home ownership, along with the associated responsibilities and maintenance considerations. This comprehensive guide covers a range of topics, including the significance of budgeting and…