Call to Artists: Rotary Park Interpretive Panel

City of McCall and the McCall Historic Preservation Commission
Deadline for submissions: 12:00 p.m., Monday, January 9, 2023
City of McCall, 216 E. Park St., McCall, Idaho 83638
Contact: Delta James, City Planner, [email protected] or 208.634.3504
Context: The City of McCall and the McCall Historic Preservation Commission have partnered to install an interpretive panel at Rotary Park. This project has been identified as an opportunity to incorporate unique artistic designs, created by Nimiipuu artists. The subject is Nimiipuu uses of the lakefront area. The sign will include text about the indigenous practice of peeling the cambium layer of pine trees because there is a peel scar visible in the park on a ponderosa pine. The panel will overlook the lake facing north. The interpretive sign will be a round panel 16 inches in diameter and printed on high pressure laminate (see last page of this document for a similar example). A draft of the interpretive panel text is attached to provide further context.
Selection Process: The members of the McCall Historic Preservation Commission will review the submissions and a decision will be made the week following the submission deadline.
Selection Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated according to artistic quality, appropriateness, and relevance of design to the site and interpretive sign content.
Upon Award:
- The selected artist will be paid a total of $1,000 for all three images.
- The winning entry will be used for this interpretive sign only. The original artwork will remain the property of the artist.
- The artist may be required to assist City Staff in generating a manufacturing-ready format of their entry, in a timely manner, following the final selection.
Anticipated Timeline:
Proposal submittal deadline: 12:00 p.m., Monday, January 9, 2023
Artist notification of design selection: January 13, 2023
Installation of Interpretive Panel: Spring, 2023 (anticipated)
Eligibility: This call is open to individual artists 18 years of age or older.
Design Specifications:
- Pen & Ink drawings are preferred, no color. Drawings in other greyscale mediums will be considered.
- See attached example panel for circular layout.
Submission Requirements: Applicants should submit 3 images. The draft of the text for the interpretive panel is attached. See draft for suggestions of image subject matter.
- DIGITAL SUBMITTAL: You may email your application materials and high-resolution files to the contact listed above or send them via mail on a thumb drive. Submit only high-resolution image files (at least 300 dpi) (acceptable file types: jpeg, tiff, eps, psd). Please label the thumb drive with your name and “Rotary CMT”.
- APPLICATION FORM: Complete and submit the application form (attached).