Closure from September 23 – October 2, 2020

Nimiipuu Fund will be closed from Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020 through Friday, October 2nd, 2020. This is due to COVID-19 impact among staff.
Staff will be unavailable during this time period to focus on health and wellbeing of themselves and family members. We will be checking messages and emails periodically and request understanding and patience during this time. Information regarding the fund can be found on our website or our facebook page.
Loan Applications and balances can be found online client access portal. To complete a new loan or services request, you can complete an inquiry form on our website:
Virtual training is going on as planned and you can find more on our events calendar on our website.
Youth Digital Storytelling registration:
Native Pathways to Business online workshop: Our Facebook group for this class can be found here:
Loan payments can be mailed to our address at PO Box 114, Lapwai, Idaho 83540. Other payment methods will continue as scheduled with payroll deduction or bank transfer. If you are having difficulty with payment options, please email George Moody.
Any questions regarding our office closure can be referred to Jonelle Yearout, Executive Director, at 208.621.3729 or email [email protected]. For pending loan applications you can reach George Moody, Loan Officer at [email protected].
We appreciate your patience and understanding. We are in this together! We will beat this sickness!kínye k’óomayna ’epehísnu’!