Nation Building Conference Celebrating 10 Years of Promoting Economic Growth While Embracing our Cultural Values and Traditions

Our Nation Building Business Conference explored how to support economic development connecting our entrepreneurs to economic development leadership, small-business and micro entrepreneurs, funders, industry professionals and federal parters. Thank you so much for the support shown for Nimiipuu Fund Nation Building Conference at the Clearwater River Casino in its success to train, develop, and build networks to promote economic development. We hope you enjoyed this event and thank you for your assistance and support to host this commemorative business conference.

We Need Your Feedback
We value your feedback and encourage you to complete this brief evaluation for the event/training you recently attended. Qe’ci’yew’yew / Thank you!

HACCP Training
Nearly 40 HACCP Tribal members attended with the youngest certified at 13 years of age. Attendees learned how to properly care for fresh and preserved fish in a way that meets federal food safety guidelines and builds public confidence of Tribally caught salmon as a safe and top brand in the marketplace. Thank you to our instructors Dr. Barbara Rasco and Dr. Gleyn Bledsoe who have helped fishers for over 20 years.

Business Pitch Competition
Thank you Idaho Women’s Business Center for the partnership in training our contestant participants with virtual and onsite training through our Business Pitch Competition.
Startup Category Winners
Danielle Whitefoot ($2,500)
Marsan Powaukee ($1,000)
James Walker ($500)
Established Business Pitch Winners
Kellen Lewis ($2,500)
John & Betty Beiker ($1,000)
Bobbie Penney ($500)
Business Pitch Fan Favorite
Marsan Powaukee (Startup Category)
Kellen Lewis (Existing Business Category)
Business Pitch Fan Favorite was the result of onsite crowdfunding with Idaho Women’s Business Center, Northwest Native Development Fund, Nixyaawii Community Financial Services, Spring Alaska Schreiner of Sakari Farms, Stacia Morfin of Nez Perce Tourism and Quincy Ellenwood with Ol’Style Fireworks. Thank you to all who pitched in!

Indigenous Fashion Show
The Nimiipuu Fund Indigenous Fashion Show was a great way to showcase our talented Native designers, artists, and beautiful people. Over 180 attendees joined us for an entertaining and inspiring evening celebrating the creatives in our community. Special thank you to Jacob Wallis (Fashion Show Director), Cello Miles (Model Director), DJ Sub, Daniel Spaulding and Kellen Lewis.
Business Resources
Federal Partners
- Idaho USDA
- SBA (Spokane office) Federal Certification
- Idaho SBDC Region 2
- Idaho Womens’ Business Center
- Idaho Connect
- Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce
Native CDFIs
- Nimiipuu Fund
- Northwest Native Development Fund
- Nixyaawii Community Financial Services
- North Idaho Native Loan Fund
- Shoshone Bannock Tribe CDFI
- Affiliated Tribes of NW Indians Economic Development Corporation CDFI
- Oweesta Corporation
Partners & Consultants
- Oregon Native American Chamber
- Idaho Rez Rising
- Indigenous Creatives
- Fran McCully offering complementary Quickbooks Consult for National Building Conference Participants
- Shawn Spruce
- Daucey Brewington
- Roxanne Best (Business Coach)
- Leilani Wilson Walkush with Breakwater Investment
- Prairie River Library District – Lapwai Branch
- Clearwater Economic Development Association (CEDA)
- Idaho Central Credit Union
- Entrepreneurship Law Clinic UI
- Economic Influence of the 5 Tribes of Idaho

We’d like to thank our team, Nimiipuu Fund Board of Directors, planning committees, the Nez Perce Tribe, Small Business Administration (SBA) Community Navigator Pilot Program, Clearwater River Casino Sales & Event Staff and generous sponsors. Special thank you to Roxanne Best for capturing our fashion show and conference on camera and Indigenous Creatives for the live video coverage and photography.